Primeiro desenhei a silhoueta, com um lápis, bem suave para não aparecer,
depois colei o perfil do rosto, e toda a folhagem e flores fiz a parte e depois,
fui colando. Para todo projeto usei tiras de 1/4'(6mm), detalhe foram todas,
cortadas com estilete, pois não encontro aqui no Brasil, tiras, nesta largura.

This Woman Silhouette Floral, more work was different, I've done.
First I drew the silhouettte with a pencil and gently so as not to appear,
then pasted the profile of the face, and all the foliage and flowers made
the part and then I was cheating. For every project I used strips of 1/4 "(6mm),
were all detail, cut with a knife, it can not find here in Brazil, strips, this width.