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Gente, estou Feliz!!!, e gostaria de mostra e compartilhar com voces, o motivo da minha felicidade. Em junho deste ano, recebi um convite de uma noiva do Rio, para fazer os noivinhos do topo de bolo, do casamento dela. Ela me falou que as fotos do casamento sairam, na super famosa "Revista Inesquecível Casamento - Rio" edição 24, e colocaram os créditos com meu nome na Revista. Yes!! Estas fotos foram enviadas pelo pessoal da Revista Inesquecível Casamento, proibida a cópia, reprodução sem prévia autorização.
Hi all, I am so happy!!! And would like to show and share with you all the cause of my happiness.
By june, this year, I was invited by a bride from Rio de Janeiro, to make the cake top wedding couple for her wedding celebration. She told me the pictures from the wedding were published in the famous magazine "Revista Inesquecível Casamento - Rio" (Unforgettable Wedding Magazine - Rio), issue #24, and since I am the author, I got my name published there. Yes!!!
The people from the magazine kindly sent me these pictures.
Copy or reproduction is prohibited without their explicit authorization.
No Topo do bolo
Que bolo maravilhoso!!!
Cake Top
What a wonderful cake!!!
Este casamento, realmente foi, é Inesquecível!!!!
This wedding is really unforgettable!!!
Partindo o bolo, que delícia!!! hummmmmmm
Cutting the cake... Delicious..!!! hummmmmm
Novo gatinho...

Gente, tentei fazer o Pássaro Cardeal, em 3d quilling e paper sculpture, não sei se ficou ao menos, parecido? :)Guys, I tried to do the Cardinal Bird, 3d quilling and paper sculpture, do not know if it was at least similar? :)
Long beloved as a symbol of Christmas cheer, the Cardinal is unique in appearance and so is a very easy bird to identify. Its peaked head (known to birders as a crested head) and vibrant scarlet color stand out in any landscape. Bird watchers know that providing a bird feeder for Cardinals is the best way to ensure visits from these delightful birds. Even in the deep snows of Canada and the northeastern United States, Cardinals remain at their homes all winter. Their nest is a cup set low in shrubbery and contains three to four light green eggs. Immature birds are buff in color.
Unfortunately, for most inhabitants of the western United States, travel is necessary for sighting Cardinals. Bird watching tours to Baja or Arizona are sure to include a glimpse of these remarkable birds. In Northern California, the bird closest in appearance to the Cardinal is the Cedar Waxwing, sharing the Cardinal's general shape and crested head. Count yourself lucky if the Cardinal is a backyard bird where you live!
Olá a todos!! Criando estas adoravéis bonequinhas, me fez relembrar os tempos de criança, que gostava muito de brincar de casinha com as bonecas!! bons tempos!!As bonecas são feitas em 3d quilling e a mesa em madeira balsa, também feita por mim!Apenas os pés da mesa que comprei prontos.Hello all! Creating these lovely little dolls, made me recall the days of the child, who loved to play house with dolls! good times!The dolls are made in 3d quilling and the table of balsa wood, also made by me!just feet from the table that I bought ready.
Bonecas, ursinho... dolls, teddy bear
Voces, já devem ter percebido, que estou "addict"(viciada) em fazer bonequinhas, em quilling dimensional, amo fazer essas menininhas!!
A menina Girassol, ou "Sunflower Girl", feita 3d quilling.